The Essentials Of HR Law Seminar: ID# 1283700
Agenda Legislation, Case Laws, Trends, and Hot Issues
The most important employment legislation and how it affects your workplace and job What you must know about the Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to interviewing and hiring COBRA requirements — an update on the latest changes A Fresh Look at Essential Employment Practices
Why how and where you recruit can inadvertently constitute discrimination Hiring practices that will stand up under an EEOC undercover audit Documentation you must have if you're called to court Words you must never use in describing classes of employees Practical Insights into HR Administration and Benefits
Tips to help you avoid common mistakes in meeting the requirements of FMLA Up-to-date COBRA changes that affect the way you administer benefits New legalities in reporting incentive pay, benefits, and other perks How to successfully evaluate, discipline, and correct performance problems among managers The Legalities of Policies, Procedures, and Employment Handbooks
How to communicate policies and procedures so they will be easy to understand — and hold up in court What you must do to ensure that employment policies and procedures comply with the law How to recognize legally weak language, unclear definitions, and vague employee rules What absolutely must be achieved during employee orientation for legal reasons
The Essentials Of HR Law
Metropolitan Area:Pacific Time Zone
Venue:Live Online Seminar 9am-4pm PDT; 10am-5pm MDT Pacific Time Zone 770-410-1219
Date: 4/30/2025 (9:00 - 16:00 local time)