The Conference For Administrative Assistants Seminar: ID# 1283495
Agenda TRACK ONE: Taking Control Of Your Job And Your Life
If you've ever felt that your life was running you — instead of the other way around — this innovative track offers concrete ways to escape the chaos. No matter how hectic your days get, you'll learn how to regain the control and calm that will keep you focused, on-track, and comfortable.
Choose from five incredible workshops that spotlight proven ways to balance tasks and projects, stress-busting techniques for the overwhelmed, beat-the-clock solutions for the time-crunched professional, and office management innovations that make every day easier.
Session 1: Communicating With Confidence And Clarity
Review the basics of good communication and learn how to apply these powerful principles on an everyday basis, in every professional situation. Learn professional tips from the greatest communicators and put them to work for yourself.
Session 2: Managing Multiple Priorities
Sort through all of the priorities you're juggling, and put them into a perspective that's manageable and workable. Discover creative ways to get others to help you and rally the support you need at home...anywhere.
Session 3: High-Impact Business Writing
Learning Objectives get results from everything you write and make the kind of "written impression" that enhances everyone's image — yours, your boss's, and your organization's.
Session 4: Staying Organized, Focused, and In Control,
In your role, you're expected to function as "command central" in your office — keeping track of information and people no matter how hectic things get. This dynamic session will show you dozens of tricks to do it better, in the many situations you deal with — all without missing a beat.
Session 5: Stress-Busters For Pressured People
Protect your health and your relationships by learning how to avoid falling victim to stress.TRACK TWO: Career and Professional Development
You know you're more experienced, capable, and responsible than when you started your career. You know how far you've come, but the question you know where you're headed?
This remarkable track will help you focus on the strategies and techniques that will take you to the next level. You'll learn essential professional skills that will help you enhance your value to your department...and ultimately, to your entire organization.
These breakout sessions will cover straightforward practices to help you handle and manage conflict, keep your head through change and turmoil, make smart decisions, and solve difficult problems...all while preparing you to move forward and take on new challenges.
Session 1: Effectively Working With Others It's the "secret ingredient" in the most successful careers — the ability to communicate one-on-one, with virtually anyone, at any level. Increase your ability to work more productively with every person you encounter in your job.
Session 2: Practical Problem-Solving And Decision-Making Learn strategies for resolving problems (big or small) with ease and confidence. Gain the trust and respect of your boss and coworkers as a professional who can handle tough situations and make sound decisions.
Session 3: Dealing with Difficult People Virtually no workplace is safe from those frustrating and demanding people who make it difficult for you to do your job. You'll discover how to react with skill, composure, and confidence.
The Conference For Administrative Assistants
Metropolitan Area:Eastern Time Zone
Venue:Live Online Seminar 9am-4pm EDT; 8am-3pm CDT Eastern Time Zone 770-410-1219
Date: 4/8/2025 (9:00 - 16:00 local time)