
2025 Real-Estate Webinar Calendar

Listed below is our 2025 real-estate webinar calendar. Most titles are available via live, CD, and On-Demand formats, and many offer industry-specific credits.
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Loan Processing 101 - The BasicsOnline Training
This basic course provides an thorough understanding of mortgage loan processing from both a loan processor and underwriter's point of view.
Calculating Income, LTV, & DTI WorkshopOnline Training
Join us for an intensive study course on these basic mortgage lending formulas. In the Calculating Income, LTV, & DTI Workshop, students will learn how to apply the correct calculation to various loan scenarios.
Certified Mortgage ProcessorOnline Training
The Certified Mortgage Processor (NAMP®-CMP®) is a "professional development" training & certification program ideal for entry-level loan processors on the fast track looking to advance their mortgage processing career.
Certified Mortgage UnderwriterOnline Training
This comprehensive certification training program covers a variety of key mortgage processor training areas. The program consists of several instructor-led online training modules, including laws such as Due Diligence, Fair Lending, and the CFPB, as well as training for analyzing tax returns, appraisals, and DTI.
Payroll Records: What To Keep, What To TossWebinar
This audio conference covers the rules for identifying, filing, retaining, protecting, and destroying your important payroll records.
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Successful Strategies For Running An 'HR Department Of One'Webinar
A one-person HR shop is all things to all employees and managers, so they need to know a lot about a lot and they also need to know when to stop and seek advice. This audio conference will assist the one person HR department in making a plan to prioritize the operational, compliance, and people needs of the business.
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